API Reference

This is a generated API documentation.

A more sophisticated documentation is available under doc.crds.dev/github.com/k8up-io/k8up.



Archive is the Schema for the archives API

Appears In:
Field Description

apiVersion string


kind string


metadata ObjectMeta

Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.


ArchiveList contains a list of Archive

Field Description

apiVersion string


kind string


metadata ListMeta

Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.

items Archive array


ArchiveSchedule manages schedules for the archival service

Appears In:
Field Description

backend Backend

Backend contains the restic repo where the job should backup to.

Resources describes the compute resource requirements (cpu, memory, etc.)

podSecurityContext PodSecurityContext

PodSecurityContext describes the security context with which this action shall be executed.

activeDeadlineSeconds integer

ActiveDeadlineSeconds specifies the duration in seconds relative to the startTime that the job may be continuously active before the system tries to terminate it. Value must be positive integer if given.

restoreMethod RestoreMethod

restoreFilter string

snapshot string

keepJobs integer

KeepJobs amount of jobs to keep for later analysis. Deprecated: Use FailedJobsHistoryLimit and SuccessfulJobsHistoryLimit respectively.

failedJobsHistoryLimit integer

FailedJobsHistoryLimit amount of failed jobs to keep for later analysis. KeepJobs is used property is not specified.

successfulJobsHistoryLimit integer

SuccessfulJobsHistoryLimit amount of successful jobs to keep for later analysis. KeepJobs is used property is not specified.

tags string array

Tags is a list of arbitrary tags that get added to the backup via Restic’s tagging system

concurrentRunsAllowed boolean


ArchiveSpec defines the desired state of Archive.

Appears In:
Field Description

backend Backend

Backend contains the restic repo where the job should backup to.

Resources describes the compute resource requirements (cpu, memory, etc.)

podSecurityContext PodSecurityContext

PodSecurityContext describes the security context with which this action shall be executed.

activeDeadlineSeconds integer

ActiveDeadlineSeconds specifies the duration in seconds relative to the startTime that the job may be continuously active before the system tries to terminate it. Value must be positive integer if given.

restoreMethod RestoreMethod

restoreFilter string

snapshot string

keepJobs integer

KeepJobs amount of jobs to keep for later analysis. Deprecated: Use FailedJobsHistoryLimit and SuccessfulJobsHistoryLimit respectively.

failedJobsHistoryLimit integer

FailedJobsHistoryLimit amount of failed jobs to keep for later analysis. KeepJobs is used property is not specified.

successfulJobsHistoryLimit integer

SuccessfulJobsHistoryLimit amount of successful jobs to keep for later analysis. KeepJobs is used property is not specified.

tags string array

Tags is a list of arbitrary tags that get added to the backup via Restic’s tagging system


Appears In:


Appears In:


Backend allows configuring several backend implementations. It is expected that users only configure one storage type.

Field Description

repoPasswordSecretRef SecretKeySelector

RepoPasswordSecretRef references a secret key to look up the restic repository password

envFrom EnvFromSource array

EnvFrom adds all environment variables from a an external source to the Restic job.

local LocalSpec

s3 S3Spec

gcs GCSSpec

azure AzureSpec

swift SwiftSpec

b2 B2Spec


Backup is the Schema for the backups API

Appears In:
Field Description

apiVersion string


kind string


metadata ObjectMeta

Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.

spec BackupSpec


BackupList contains a list of Backup

Field Description

apiVersion string


kind string


metadata ListMeta

Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.

items Backup array


BackupSchedule manages schedules for the backup service

Appears In:
Field Description

backend Backend

Backend contains the restic repo where the job should backup to.

Resources describes the compute resource requirements (cpu, memory, etc.)

podSecurityContext PodSecurityContext

PodSecurityContext describes the security context with which this action shall be executed.

activeDeadlineSeconds integer

ActiveDeadlineSeconds specifies the duration in seconds relative to the startTime that the job may be continuously active before the system tries to terminate it. Value must be positive integer if given.

keepJobs integer

KeepJobs amount of jobs to keep for later analysis. Deprecated: Use FailedJobsHistoryLimit and SuccessfulJobsHistoryLimit respectively.

failedJobsHistoryLimit integer

FailedJobsHistoryLimit amount of failed jobs to keep for later analysis. KeepJobs is used property is not specified.

successfulJobsHistoryLimit integer

SuccessfulJobsHistoryLimit amount of successful jobs to keep for later analysis. KeepJobs is used property is not specified.

promURL string

PromURL sets a prometheus push URL where the backup container send metrics to

statsURL string

StatsURL sets an arbitrary URL where the restic container posts metrics and information about the snapshots to. This is in addition to the prometheus pushgateway.

tags string array

Tags is a list of arbitrary tags that get added to the backup via Restic’s tagging system

concurrentRunsAllowed boolean


BackupSpec defines a single backup. It must contain all information to connect to the backup repository when applied. If used with defaults or schedules the operator will ensure that the defaults are applied before creating the object on the API.

Appears In:
Field Description

backend Backend

Backend contains the restic repo where the job should backup to.

Resources describes the compute resource requirements (cpu, memory, etc.)

podSecurityContext PodSecurityContext

PodSecurityContext describes the security context with which this action shall be executed.

activeDeadlineSeconds integer

ActiveDeadlineSeconds specifies the duration in seconds relative to the startTime that the job may be continuously active before the system tries to terminate it. Value must be positive integer if given.

keepJobs integer

KeepJobs amount of jobs to keep for later analysis. Deprecated: Use FailedJobsHistoryLimit and SuccessfulJobsHistoryLimit respectively.

failedJobsHistoryLimit integer

FailedJobsHistoryLimit amount of failed jobs to keep for later analysis. KeepJobs is used property is not specified.

successfulJobsHistoryLimit integer

SuccessfulJobsHistoryLimit amount of successful jobs to keep for later analysis. KeepJobs is used property is not specified.

promURL string

PromURL sets a prometheus push URL where the backup container send metrics to

statsURL string

StatsURL sets an arbitrary URL where the restic container posts metrics and information about the snapshots to. This is in addition to the prometheus pushgateway.

tags string array

Tags is a list of arbitrary tags that get added to the backup via Restic’s tagging system


Check is the Schema for the checks API

Appears In:
Field Description

apiVersion string


kind string


metadata ObjectMeta

Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.

spec CheckSpec


CheckList contains a list of Check

Field Description

apiVersion string


kind string


metadata ListMeta

Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.

items Check array


CheckSchedule manages the schedules for the checks

Appears In:
Field Description

backend Backend

Backend contains the restic repo where the job should backup to.

Resources describes the compute resource requirements (cpu, memory, etc.)

podSecurityContext PodSecurityContext

PodSecurityContext describes the security context with which this action shall be executed.

activeDeadlineSeconds integer

ActiveDeadlineSeconds specifies the duration in seconds relative to the startTime that the job may be continuously active before the system tries to terminate it. Value must be positive integer if given.

promURL string

PromURL sets a prometheus push URL where the backup container send metrics to

keepJobs integer

KeepJobs amount of jobs to keep for later analysis. Deprecated: Use FailedJobsHistoryLimit and SuccessfulJobsHistoryLimit respectively.

failedJobsHistoryLimit integer

FailedJobsHistoryLimit amount of failed jobs to keep for later analysis. KeepJobs is used property is not specified.

successfulJobsHistoryLimit integer

SuccessfulJobsHistoryLimit amount of successful jobs to keep for later analysis. KeepJobs is used property is not specified.

concurrentRunsAllowed boolean


CheckSpec defines the desired state of Check. It needs to contain the repository information.

Appears In:
Field Description

backend Backend

Backend contains the restic repo where the job should backup to.

Resources describes the compute resource requirements (cpu, memory, etc.)

podSecurityContext PodSecurityContext

PodSecurityContext describes the security context with which this action shall be executed.

activeDeadlineSeconds integer

ActiveDeadlineSeconds specifies the duration in seconds relative to the startTime that the job may be continuously active before the system tries to terminate it. Value must be positive integer if given.

promURL string

PromURL sets a prometheus push URL where the backup container send metrics to

keepJobs integer

KeepJobs amount of jobs to keep for later analysis. Deprecated: Use FailedJobsHistoryLimit and SuccessfulJobsHistoryLimit respectively.

failedJobsHistoryLimit integer

FailedJobsHistoryLimit amount of failed jobs to keep for later analysis. KeepJobs is used property is not specified.

successfulJobsHistoryLimit integer

SuccessfulJobsHistoryLimit amount of successful jobs to keep for later analysis. KeepJobs is used property is not specified.


Appears In:
Field Description

jobType JobType

generatedSchedule ScheduleDefinition


Appears In:
Field Description

key string

value string


Appears In:
Field Description

PersistentVolumeClaimVolumeSource PersistentVolumeClaimVolumeSource


Appears In:


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Pod is a dummy struct to fix some code generation issues.

Appears In:
Field Description

metadata ObjectMeta

Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.

spec PodSpec

Specification of the desired behavior of the pod. More info: git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#spec-and-status


PreBackupPod is the Schema for the prebackuppods API

Appears In:
Field Description

apiVersion string


kind string


metadata ObjectMeta

Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.


PreBackupPodList contains a list of PreBackupPod

Field Description

apiVersion string


kind string


metadata ListMeta

Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.

items PreBackupPod array


PreBackupPodSpec define pods that will be launched during the backup. After the backup has finished (successfully or not), they should be removed again automatically by the operator.

Appears In:
Field Description

backupCommand string

BackupCommand will be added to the backupcommand annotation on the pod.

fileExtension string

pod Pod


Prune is the Schema for the prunes API

Appears In:
Field Description

apiVersion string


kind string


metadata ObjectMeta

Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.

spec PruneSpec


PruneList contains a list of Prune

Field Description

apiVersion string


kind string


metadata ListMeta

Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.

items Prune array


PruneSchedule manages the schedules for the prunes

Appears In:
Field Description

backend Backend

Backend contains the restic repo where the job should backup to.

Resources describes the compute resource requirements (cpu, memory, etc.)

podSecurityContext PodSecurityContext

PodSecurityContext describes the security context with which this action shall be executed.

activeDeadlineSeconds integer

ActiveDeadlineSeconds specifies the duration in seconds relative to the startTime that the job may be continuously active before the system tries to terminate it. Value must be positive integer if given.

retention RetentionPolicy

Retention sets how many backups should be kept after a forget and prune

keepJobs integer

KeepJobs amount of jobs to keep for later analysis. Deprecated: Use FailedJobsHistoryLimit and SuccessfulJobsHistoryLimit respectively.

failedJobsHistoryLimit integer

FailedJobsHistoryLimit amount of failed jobs to keep for later analysis. KeepJobs is used property is not specified.

successfulJobsHistoryLimit integer

SuccessfulJobsHistoryLimit amount of successful jobs to keep for later analysis. KeepJobs is used property is not specified.

concurrentRunsAllowed boolean


PruneSpec needs to contain the repository information as well as the desired retention policies.

Appears In:
Field Description

backend Backend

Backend contains the restic repo where the job should backup to.

Resources describes the compute resource requirements (cpu, memory, etc.)

podSecurityContext PodSecurityContext

PodSecurityContext describes the security context with which this action shall be executed.

activeDeadlineSeconds integer

ActiveDeadlineSeconds specifies the duration in seconds relative to the startTime that the job may be continuously active before the system tries to terminate it. Value must be positive integer if given.

retention RetentionPolicy

Retention sets how many backups should be kept after a forget and prune

keepJobs integer

KeepJobs amount of jobs to keep for later analysis. Deprecated: Use FailedJobsHistoryLimit and SuccessfulJobsHistoryLimit respectively.

failedJobsHistoryLimit integer

FailedJobsHistoryLimit amount of failed jobs to keep for later analysis. KeepJobs is used property is not specified.

successfulJobsHistoryLimit integer

SuccessfulJobsHistoryLimit amount of successful jobs to keep for later analysis. KeepJobs is used property is not specified.


Appears In:


Restore is the Schema for the restores API

Appears In:
Field Description

apiVersion string


kind string


metadata ObjectMeta

Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.


RestoreList contains a list of Restore

Field Description

apiVersion string


kind string


metadata ListMeta

Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.

items Restore array


RestoreMethod contains how and where the restore should happen all the settings are mutual exclusive.

Field Description

s3 S3Spec

folder FolderRestore


RestoreSchedule manages schedules for the restore service

Appears In:
Field Description

backend Backend

Backend contains the restic repo where the job should backup to.

Resources describes the compute resource requirements (cpu, memory, etc.)

podSecurityContext PodSecurityContext

PodSecurityContext describes the security context with which this action shall be executed.

activeDeadlineSeconds integer

ActiveDeadlineSeconds specifies the duration in seconds relative to the startTime that the job may be continuously active before the system tries to terminate it. Value must be positive integer if given.

restoreMethod RestoreMethod

restoreFilter string

snapshot string

keepJobs integer

KeepJobs amount of jobs to keep for later analysis. Deprecated: Use FailedJobsHistoryLimit and SuccessfulJobsHistoryLimit respectively.

failedJobsHistoryLimit integer

FailedJobsHistoryLimit amount of failed jobs to keep for later analysis. KeepJobs is used property is not specified.

successfulJobsHistoryLimit integer

SuccessfulJobsHistoryLimit amount of successful jobs to keep for later analysis. KeepJobs is used property is not specified.

tags string array

Tags is a list of arbitrary tags that get added to the backup via Restic’s tagging system

concurrentRunsAllowed boolean


RestoreSpec can either contain an S3 restore point or a local one. For the local one you need to define an existing PVC.

Field Description

backend Backend

Backend contains the restic repo where the job should backup to.

Resources describes the compute resource requirements (cpu, memory, etc.)

podSecurityContext PodSecurityContext

PodSecurityContext describes the security context with which this action shall be executed.

activeDeadlineSeconds integer

ActiveDeadlineSeconds specifies the duration in seconds relative to the startTime that the job may be continuously active before the system tries to terminate it. Value must be positive integer if given.

restoreMethod RestoreMethod

restoreFilter string

snapshot string

keepJobs integer

KeepJobs amount of jobs to keep for later analysis. Deprecated: Use FailedJobsHistoryLimit and SuccessfulJobsHistoryLimit respectively.

failedJobsHistoryLimit integer

FailedJobsHistoryLimit amount of failed jobs to keep for later analysis. KeepJobs is used property is not specified.

successfulJobsHistoryLimit integer

SuccessfulJobsHistoryLimit amount of successful jobs to keep for later analysis. KeepJobs is used property is not specified.

tags string array

Tags is a list of arbitrary tags that get added to the backup via Restic’s tagging system


Appears In:
Field Description

keepLast integer

keepHourly integer

keepDaily integer

keepWeekly integer

keepMonthly integer

keepYearly integer

keepTags string array

tags string array

Tags is a filter on what tags the policy should be applied DO NOT CONFUSE THIS WITH KeepTags OR YOU’LL have a bad time

hostnames string array

Hostnames is a filter on what hostnames the policy should be applied


RunnableSpec defines the fields that are necessary on the specs of all actions that are translated to k8s jobs eventually.

Field Description

backend Backend

Backend contains the restic repo where the job should backup to.

Resources describes the compute resource requirements (cpu, memory, etc.)

podSecurityContext PodSecurityContext

PodSecurityContext describes the security context with which this action shall be executed.

activeDeadlineSeconds integer

ActiveDeadlineSeconds specifies the duration in seconds relative to the startTime that the job may be continuously active before the system tries to terminate it. Value must be positive integer if given.


Appears In:


Schedule is the Schema for the schedules API

Appears In:
Field Description

apiVersion string


kind string


metadata ObjectMeta

Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.


ScheduleCommon contains fields every schedule needs

Field Description

concurrentRunsAllowed boolean

ScheduleDefinition (string)

ScheduleDefinition is the actual cron-type expression that defines the interval of the actions.


ScheduleList contains a list of Schedule

Field Description

apiVersion string


kind string


metadata ListMeta

Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.

items Schedule array


ScheduleSpec defines the schedules for the various job types.

Appears In:
Field Description

restore RestoreSchedule

archive ArchiveSchedule

backend Backend

keepJobs integer

KeepJobs amount of jobs to keep for later analysis. Deprecated: Use FailedJobsHistoryLimit and SuccessfulJobsHistoryLimit respectively.

failedJobsHistoryLimit integer

FailedJobsHistoryLimit amount of failed jobs to keep for later analysis. KeepJobs is used property is not specified.

successfulJobsHistoryLimit integer

SuccessfulJobsHistoryLimit amount of successful jobs to keep for later analysis. KeepJobs is used property is not specified.

resourceRequirementsTemplate ResourceRequirements

ResourceRequirementsTemplate describes the compute resource requirements (cpu, memory, etc.)

podSecurityContext PodSecurityContext

PodSecurityContext describes the security context with which actions (such as backups) shall be executed.


Snapshot is the Schema for the snapshots API

Appears In:
Field Description

apiVersion string


kind string


metadata ObjectMeta

Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.


SnapshotList contains a list of Snapshot

Field Description

apiVersion string


kind string


metadata ListMeta

Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.

items Snapshot array


SnapshotSpec contains all information needed about a restic snapshot so it can be restored.

Appears In:
Field Description

id string

date Time

paths string

repository string


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